That’s all.

EDIT: Thank you all for detailing your experience with, and hatred for, this miserable product. Your display of solidarity is inspiring. Now, say it with me:

Fuck Microsoft

  • @omarfw
    2 months ago

    “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.”

    Mega corporations that only hire contract workers with no morale or investment in the long term success of the company (because the majority of their efforts are purely to appear shareholders) are not equipped with the means to put out decent products.

    Passion, dedication, investment in workers, and long term talent are what create remarkable pieces of software. Microsoft has none of this because these things are incompatible with the directives of infinite growth shareholder appeasement. Want extra time for QA? nope, that would reduce profits. Want to pay higher salaries to attract better talent? Nope, that would reduce profits. Want to adequately reward employees in ways they actually connect with like raises and bonuses? Nope, that would cut into the boss’ annual bonus and he needs his new vacation home more than we need to afford rent.

    There is an optimal level of profit chasing and company size within which excellent software can be produced, and Microsoft exceeded those thresholds years ago. There is also an optimal phase of capitalism that is conducive to quality innovation and development, and we’re well past it.