Me and a friend were going to play some Halo 2 today, but i forgot about my fucked about SD card, so i had to download the entire game again. ODST finished first, and i decided to just mess around in it since i’ve already beaten it and i was short on time today and wanted to play something. This was a lovely mugshot i took of a enemy that got stuck.

My screenshots were acting funky today and the timestamps were all off and then for some reason some screenshots didnt save. I only walked away with two really worth sharing, because of that. I think most of my screenshots i picked today were new ones, but i took so many i can’t be sure, i know for a fact the Main one i picked is new though.

this was a picture of a picture of a antelope i took on the Zoo level. idk why but something about it in a Halo game stood out to me. I also have suspicions that this may not be a new screenshot, but was missed in. But i really like this one so i left it in.

I really like ODST’s vibe. Master Chief is fun, (and i’m not fully in on the Halo lore so i may be wrong about this) but playing as the rookie and not Master Chief in the Spartan suit feels fun and more commando. I’m a sucker for everyday characters.

  • MyNameIsAtticusOP
    14 months ago

    Is there a way to turn Iron Skull off? it was on by default in Halo 2 Legendary since the first level and it’s been a pain in the ass (as much as i love a challenge)

      • MyNameIsAtticusOP
        14 months ago

        I ended up googling the Iron Skull to see exactly how it works. sadly it’s forced on by Legendary Mode in Halo 2 for Co-Op. Thank you for the help though, i’ll be keeping that in the back of my mind once i try out the skulls system