The thirst can be a weapon.

Cyia Batten played the 1st Ziyal (Dukat’s daughter) on DS9, Irina the rebellious racer in VOY, and Navaar the Orion pirate on ENT.

  • @Solumbran
    -13 months ago

    You append to ENT a vision that was created years later to try to fix the problem. Lower decks did that, but the writers of Enterprise had no idea they would. They wrote it according to the existing vision of the orion slaves: a sexy, vulnerable woman sold into slavery. Which is, yes, very old-school.

    But they do show that orions are slavers, as TPol for example is sold into slavery. By an orion man.

    What enterprise did is keep the image of “sexy women” but added an “evil and manipulative” layer to it. While keeping them as slaves that say they are victims. How does this translate to the current world? “Sex trafficking victims, prostitutes, etc, are actually the cause of their situation and they enjoy it”?

    Even Star Trek Continues managed to do much better, showing the orion slave as being trapped into hypocritical politics but being strong willed enough to fend for herself, showing that not defending victims forces them to go to dramatic ends.

    And ENT didn’t do that just once, the writers are visibly pieces of shit so I have no doubt that the intention was absolutely not feminist. They have episodes defending more slavery (cogenitor), they have weird crap with underage incestuous sex shown pretty clearly on camera, they have a lot of crap going on. Plus all the sexist jokes and remarks all along the show. No, no one will make me believe that ENT was trying to reverse sexist ideas, they were head-deep into them. Lower decks tried to fix it but it doesn’t save Enterprise.