I’m a 30 year old woman who’s only really played card and puzzle games on my phone. Im considering new hobbies. Is it worth trying to get into video games for the first time. Where would I even start.

  • @ace_garp
    74 months ago

    Yes, it is worth getting into video games. Mental quickness, friends, and less Alzheimers are some benefits.

    People in this post are making excellent recommendations for quality commercial games.

    I can recommend starting out in videogames, by getting into Free Software (Libre) games.

    Libre Games cost nothing, have no spyware, and usually have positive, helpful, DIY focused communities.

    Here is a post I made that lists a few of my favourite free games on desktop and mobile.


    If any on this list are too difficult or hard to set up, just skip.


    Historical note

    The Fool’s Errand game, from 1987, sold very well with women gamers. Over 50% IIRC.

    It is a tricky puzzle game with Tarot Card theming and an excellent sense of humour.

    Fool’s Errand is not Free Software though, and way out of print. It could probably be emulated on a device that you have, PC or phone.

    Game detail at Wikipedia

    Play original Mac version online

    PC version online