• @dhork
    3 months ago

    I understand all this stuff. This shit is hard. But all that is preferable to just being plucked off the street and effectively disappeared. As bad as it was for non-whites here before, it’s about to get much worse.

    And the Blue State thing matters because I believe that Trump will not get Congress to go along with a militarization of this deportation effort, and the existing Federal infrastructure is not enough to pull it off. So he will have to heavily lean on red states who will be happy to send State Police to violate these people’s rights as long as the Feds look the other way. Moving to a state that will not go along with that will go a long way toward keeping them safe

    • Verdant Banana
      -23 months ago

      lived in both blue and red states with not much difference

      for example, Colorado has swerved right making homelessness illegal and restricting the cannabis market and setting pay below living wages just like red states only the blue states have different wording and policies to achieve the same thing such as overfunding the police

      blue and red being different is just a fantasy made up by the donors to get voters into football politics my team is better kind of thing

      keeps people divisive and unable to truly realize and solve the problem which keeps the donors rich

      • @MegaUltraChicken
        23 months ago

        Colorado has swerved right

        You must be living in a completely different state than I am.

        • @atomicorange
          43 months ago

          It’s always had a “libertarian” streak when it comes to business deregulation, but otherwise yeah pretty blue.