
I am looking since a long time for a selfhosted tool that would allow the user to insert and visualize data in a hierarchycal structure (tree). Ideally custom schemas could be defined so that it can be also regarded as a rudimentary noSQL database. I’ve looked at the awesome-selfhosted page high and low for anything similar with no luck. Do you happen to know anything that could work? The best example for the functionality I am looking for is the open source desktop app treeline

Thanks for your inputs,

  • @aesirOP
    11 year ago

    I do use it, but it is a desktop app. I was looking for something that could be used in a browser, I am so in need for that that I actually deployed treeline on alpine as a Kasm workspace for remote operation. Setting up a virtual desktop just for this seems a real overkill, besides that, I was hoping that a hosted solution could allow an easier collaboration between multiple users.

    • @NewDataEngineer
      11 year ago

      Why don’t you just dockerize treeline? It’s all python and Java. Looks easy enough.