I have a couple times. The last time was a couple years ago with someone I met online who I was getting to know but didn’t like after the first date. They asked if I felt like watching some movie and I didn’t respond and they didn’t follow up. Tbh, I probably would’ve answered if they had sent a second text. I guess I avoided telling them the truth but it stuck with me like a pebble in my shoe and I feel bad thinking about it.

  • @Turbofish
    34 months ago

    Yeah. I fell pretty shitty about it to be fair.

    I’d been going out with this girl for a couple months. We’d been getting on great. I was really struggling with keeping a handle on my alcoholism at the time and did something embarrassing one evening. Also lost my phone that night. I woke up with the shames, got a new phone number and never spoke to her again.

    In retrospect I probably shouldn’t have been dating if my anxiety was going to let me toss what could have been a good thing because I couldn’t have a conversation the next day.