i can’t even guess as to why they went quiet. not one guess at all. we will never know.

edit: well they’re not quiet now once they get called out

  • @Dead_or_Alive
    94 months ago

    I think it is important to point out the failings of others. Otherwise they may not connect the dots and learn from their mistakes.

    Sometimes a mistake is innocent, say you forgot to zip up your fly. It’s important to know you forgot to do so as it could be very socially embarrassing.

    Sometimes one could accidentally cut someone off in traffic because they didn’t see them. A good honk notifies them of their mistake and will hopefully drive home the fact that they probably need to pay better attention to traffic.

    Pointing out that abstaining and or choosing not to vote enabled the election of the greater of two evils is equally important.

    Rock on OP. Never let them forget!

    • @inv3r510n
      3 months ago

      Then point at the FAILED DEMOCRAT PARTY instead of voters. When biden announced he was running for re-election their own internal polling showed he’d lose. They don’t fucking care, it’s all theatre to them. Their corporate owners are happy and the donations continue to flow in from foolish rubes like you who will gladly vote blue no matter who right off a fucking cliff.

      Kamala Harris spent a billion dollars and still fucking lost. But yeah go blame voters that will ensure the same thing happens in 2028 should we be so lucky to pretend to play democracy again. And it is pretend. Because if you don’t vote correctly you’re the worst person to ever exist.

      • @Dead_or_Alive
        -63 months ago

        If that delusion makes feel better about enabling a facist, then you probably aren’t ready to come to terms with your failure.

        Sooner or later, one way or another, it will come for you.

      • @Katana314
        -73 months ago

        I’ve been repeating this thought exercise because people seem to have a hard time delineating when blame goes the other way.

        Bob is standing next to a bomb, and a fuse is sparking down. Jill, on the other side of a fence and reliant on Bob, lifts a huge very expensive sign for Bob to stamp out the fuse. Bob does not stamp out the fuse, bomb goes off.

        Who is at fault; Bob for not stamping out the fuse, or Jill for not getting a high-amp bullhorn to inform Bob he should stamp the fuse?

        Feel free to vary the analogy, but the question would extend to: When does it become Bob’s fault that he didn’t take action?

        • @inv3r510n
          3 months ago

          It remains the democrats fault for:

          • gaslighting the public about inflation

          • gaslighting the public about not one but two new wars including a genocide!

          • refusing to run a small D democratic primary that they didn’t rig since checks notes 2004 (they tried to rig 2008 for Hillary but failed because Obama was so charismatic they couldn’t stop him)

          • refusing to run a primary at all in 2024, despite biden promising when elected in 2020 to be a one term president, and his own polling showed he’d lose in 2024

          • last minute Hail Mary of replacing biden with Harris despite not a single vote being cast for her

          • no platform other than “we’re not trump! Elect an anti-democratic party to save democracy! Trumps the next hitler!!!”

          • didn’t bother campaigning in swing states just like Hillary in 2016

          Gee I wonder why they lost the election. Couldn’t be that they continuously gaslight the public. Couldn’t be that they didn’t hold a primary (sorry but RFK Jr vanity run is not a primary). No, no. Voters just voted wrong!

          But don’t worry! We have to save dEmOcRaCy! Let’s just roll over and hand the power over to trump because he won fair and square and optics and politeness are more important than saving the country! You see, the democrat party doesn’t actually give a shit, if they were serious, they would have their own January 6th. They’re not serious. They’re gonna fundraise off of it. Just like roe v Wade!

          • @Katana314
            -123 months ago

            no platform other than “we’re not trump! Elect an anti-democratic party to save democracy! Trumps the next hitler!!!

            Yeah? Why do you need a platform beyond this?

            It was a competent former prosecutor vs a serially lying violent felon.

            • @[email protected]
              3 months ago

              ‘But Trump’ got you Trump twice. At this point you’re arguing against the concrete proof that your view WON’T WORK to justify blaming people that tried to save you from yourself.

              You, in this case, is the DNC and everyone else blaming voters for the failure of the DNC.

            • @WoodScientist
              13 months ago

              Why do you need a platform beyond this?

              They shouldn’t have even include the democracy angle in their campaign. You cannot run on “Trump is a threat to democracy,” when you own administration has completely failed to put the man behind bars.

              Imagine the insanity if Trump, in 2020, had ran on a campaign of taxes being too low, after he had just slashed them. That is the level of idiocy the Harris campaign was trying to run on.

              You had four years to put the guy behind bars. You don’t get to then point to him as a threat to democracy, since you yourself clearly do not consider him to be a threat to democracy.

              Actions. Speak. Louder. Than. Words.

        • OBJECTION!
          3 months ago

          Jill set and lit the bomb, and lifts up a big expensive sign saying that defusing bombs is antisemitic and what Putin wants. Bob tries as hard as he can to put out the bomb anyway, but Jill made sure to design it such that Bob can’t defuse it. So, once it’s clear his efforts are futile, Bob runs as fast as he can away from Jill and the bomb, and the bomb blows up.

          When does it become Jill’s fault that she did actively take harmful actions?