I have now a pixel 8, which was working OK from the past 8 months and using grapheneos. Unfortunately, today out of nowhere got the green screen bug (searched around, this seems to be really a thing with pixel 8 and some pixel 7). This really stroke me a nerve. Previously I had a pixel 5 which at some point also got screen problems and later the speaker piece just straight up did not work properly. And now this with the pixel 8.

So my question is: what other phones could potentially be used with a custom ROM that allow bootloader relocking? Other Roms can be something like divest or calyx (I used calyx before, so I am fairly familiar with it).

It really pisses me off the only option until now are pixel phones for proper relocking (from what I know from a while back), and then they have these annoying issues. It makes my skin crawl, but if required I would change to an iPhone (and throwaway a lot of things that android is actually superior, such as proper tor browser, VPN split tunneling, work/user profiles, no bloody account to use a phone).

Thanks for the responses in advance.

  • @ZeDoTelhadoOP
    42 months ago

    This is also a good perspective. One thing I was thinking just now: at some point, side loading on iOS will be a thing. I wonder at that time we can truly use an iPhone without an account at all (not even to install stuff), but my guess is, considering their track record, they will do the wildest malicious compliance possible…

    • @[email protected]
      02 months ago

      Yeah, that’s a good point. I’m not counting on sideloading bringing any benefit to me, but if it does I’ll be pleasantly surprised.