• @Landless2029
    4 months ago

    South park had an amazing episode about addiction where Satan broke it down as being an extension of our survival instincts. The issue is we survive too easily so some people keep chasing the high they’re missing from food, hunting and shit.

    Freemium Isn’t Free/Script

    | Satan | Then allow me to explain the darkness of the human soul! [moments later he’s on Stan’s bed, the fiery light gone] So you got dopamine, right? That’s the chemical that gets released in your brain whenever you do something pleasurable, like eating, sex, and that’s just nature, right? Like rabbits and fish and shit. They need dopamine so that they want to consume and reproduce.

    | Stan | Okay.

    | Satan | But because humans have progressed and now have access to all the shit they want whenever they want it, it’s easy for them to overdo and have dopamine problems. You know, it’s not fuckin’ rocket science, this stuff.

    | Stan | So there’s nothing spiritually wrong with me?

    | Satan | Fuck no! It’s like, okay, it’s like being diabetic. You know, it’s like you can eat wrong and eat wrong and chemicals get released from your liver in a weird way, you know, you’ve been eatin’ gluten and shit, and then eventually you’ve got a chemical imbalance from your liver. And something clicked, and now you’re diabetic forever, right? So like, if you keep doing something too much, eventually there’s, ummm, a dopamine fuckup, right, and you’re kind of screwed up for life.

    | Stan | So what does that mean? I I can get addicted to everything so I can’t enjoy anything?

    | Satan | Yeah, that’s pretty much what it means.