And Hagrid replied “If I were a muggle I would be a communist. But anywizard can make himself a meal, and a shower, and clothes, and a house all out of nothing. So long as we have wands and knowledge. So I’m not a communist, but the next best thing, a Teacher.”
And Hagrid replied “If I were a muggle I would be a communist. But anywizard can make himself a meal, and a shower, and clothes, and a house all out of nothing. So long as we have wands and knowledge. So I’m not a communist, but the next best thing, a Teacher.”
Officially Hagrid has no wand license. He disguised his wand with an ugly umbrella.

Didn’t they clear his name in book 3? And then… Nothing happened? That’s kinda fucked.
They cleared his name at the end of book 2 (CoS), after which he became a teacher in book 3 (PoA).
Still never got his wand back officially
He’d probably just gotten used to using it within the umbrella by that point. After fifty years, it might have been difficult to switch back.
Yeah that’s always been my head canon
Ohhh yeah
Yeah, realized halfway through writing that I was butchering his voice/tone too, but the sentiment is good.