You’d think the West would have taken it seriously after Crimea was annexed. But even after losing most of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, there are still imperial core labor aristocrat clowns like you, still failing to read the room.
Almost 25 years of that attitude from the US is how this war started in the first place[1], and now hundreds of thousands are dead or injured and millions are displaced.
You will find that the actual cause for the dead, injured, and displaced, is that Russia invaded Ukraine.
The simplest fix would be for the Russians to go home.
The more permanent fix would be for the Russians to go home, and have Vladimir Putin accidentally fall out of a window very high up. That would be reasonable, given how many men he basically threw into a meat grinder.
Every recrimination has an equal and opposite recrimination. In the end, we are where we are and every country chooses how to play their own hand by themselves.
Russian leadership knew what they were doing when they attacked a foreign sovereign country in an act overt aggression.
I’m sure there are plenty of rationalizations they tell themselves, but it’s not the US that “started this” in any meaningful way.
Bark bark bark
“Spokesperson, issue more empty threats! Surely this time they will finally take me seriously!”
You’d think the West would have taken it seriously after Crimea was annexed. But even after losing most of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson, there are still imperial core labor aristocrat clowns like you, still failing to read the room.
What’s the room saying, comrade?
The room in which Russia is an unjust invading imperialist force. You agree, right?
It’s funny how you’re so delusional that Russia’s literal imperial war doesn’t qualify as imperialism and it’s the west that’s imperial.
I bet you’re really smart and have lots of friends 🤣
Almost 25 years of that attitude from the US is how this war started in the first place[1], and now hundreds of thousands are dead or injured and millions are displaced.
You will find that the actual cause for the dead, injured, and displaced, is that Russia invaded Ukraine.
The simplest fix would be for the Russians to go home.
The more permanent fix would be for the Russians to go home, and have Vladimir Putin accidentally fall out of a window very high up. That would be reasonable, given how many men he basically threw into a meat grinder.
Every recrimination has an equal and opposite recrimination. In the end, we are where we are and every country chooses how to play their own hand by themselves.
Russian leadership knew what they were doing when they attacked a foreign sovereign country in an act overt aggression.
I’m sure there are plenty of rationalizations they tell themselves, but it’s not the US that “started this” in any meaningful way.
The war started because of Russia. It’s insane to state otherwise.