• @dfecht
    164 months ago

    There’s a huge issue with that, though, that seems all too often overlooked: by doing nothing, our systems will still fall behind. They will continue to decay, to lag increasingly behind our peers and adversaries. At absolute best, the inevitable death of 1,000 cuts marches on.

    • @Goodmorningsunshine
      74 months ago

      Well, I think did nothing and let Vince do whatever he wanted while she signed the paperwork is the more relevant and scarier bit of what you’re responding to and what that person missed. There’s no silver lining to a Yes Man with what these people want to do to education.

      • @Nightwingdragon
        34 months ago

        You’re missing my point slightly.

        Yes, if Trump is dead-set on killing the DOE, we’re fucked. You’re right there. But unlike many of Trump’s other yes-men, Linda McMahon is not known to have the drive to do anything by herself. Go watch any of her WWE footage or any time she’s made a public statement. That woman hasn’t lifted a finger in her life without calling on her assistants to check on her nails. And we all know that Trump has the attention span of a methhead with ADHD. The silver lining is that if Trump decides to set his sights elsewhere, she’ll do little damage on her own, unlike a more ambitious yes-man who will take the initiative.

        Think of it this way. It could have been Boebert. Or MTG. Or Jim Jordan. Plenty of cronies exponentially worse than McMahon if they were chosen, and all of which would have the initiative to do it themselves if Trump’s attention was focused elsewhere.

    • skulblaka
      14 months ago

      Sure, but I’ll take the thousand cuts over being shot right directly in the face, pretty much every time.

      • @dfecht
        34 months ago

        At least that would illicit a reaction out of the masses; that’s exactly why these authoritarians aim to slowly strangle our safety nets. We will apparently happily let them do it, as long as it doesn’t cause us immediate and perceivable harm.

        • @Nightwingdragon
          4 months ago

          Given the results of the election, that reaction may not be the one you think it is.