A perpetual stew, also known as forever soup, hunter’s pot, or hunter’s stew, is a pot into which foodstuffs are placed and cooked, continuously. The pot is never or rarely emptied all the way, and ingredients and liquid are replenished as necessary. Such foods can continue cooking for decades or longer if properly maintained. The concept is often a common element in descriptions of medieval inns.

Foods prepared in a perpetual stew have been described as being flavorful due to the manner in which the ingredients blend together. Various ingredients can be used in a perpetual stew such as root vegetables, tubers (potatoes, yams, etc.), and various meats.

  • @johannesvanderwhales
    72 hours ago

    If it’s kept at a steady temperature above 140F it should be fine.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      22 hours ago

      Some guy falls asleep overnight and suddenly the whole inn is dead from botulism

      • @johannesvanderwhales
        32 hours ago

        Restaurants already do plenty of things which require cooking overnight, though.

        • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
          02 hours ago

          Yeah but if the fire goes out or gets too low then it’ll drop into the danger zone