
The “Rogansphere,” a sprawling ecosystem of podcasts and online shows led by figures like Joe Rogan, has become a powerful cultural force for younger audiences, functioning as a “Fox News for the young.”

With its mix of anti-establishment rhetoric, distrust of Democrats, and casual conversations blending left-leaning and conservative ideas, it normalizes figures like Donald Trump for a disillusioned, lonely audience—particularly young men.

Democrats risk underestimating its influence, as this ecosystem fosters deep listener loyalty and has contributed to a significant shift in young male voters toward Trump.

  • @[email protected]
    -23 months ago

    Yeah I’ve only seen less than 20 of his videos, usually when it’s a guest he has on that I like (rob zombie, bill burr etc). One episode I watched he was even calling out Trump and saying he didn’t want him on the show.

    You are exactly right, he lets people talk and he is great at keeping the interview feel organic and moving.

    People downvoting because they prob never even listened to him and are just doing the echo chamber nonsense.

    • theprogressivist
      53 months ago

      One episode I watched he was even calling out Trump and saying he didn’t want him on the show.

      Except he brought him on and endorsed him. He’s not a moderate he’s a mouthpiece for MAGA.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Kamala declined to be on with Rogan. I’m guessing you’ve never watched his show, but he is definitely not a “mouthpiece for MAGA”. If you bring up a few progressive topics and his opinions on them, you’ll see he’s actually much more left leaning than right, even if he himself doesn’t know it.

        Again, enjoy the circle jerking of downvoting because you don’t agree with me. Look at my post history. You can see I’m no undercover MAGA. What I have done is actually watch his show and am more than capable of forming an opinion.

        • theprogressivist
          3 months ago

          Endorsing a fascist makes you a fascist, champ.

          Keep crying about imaginary internet points, too.

            • theprogressivist
              3 months ago

              Lol, what a baby. And I’m a maga douchebag for pointing out that Joe Rogan is a fascist? You really are a huge baby.

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                lol you keep editing your comments. Do you just call everyone you disagree with a fascist? How’s that working out for you? Winning a lot of people to the left?

                • theprogressivist
                  03 months ago

                  I’m editing them just like you are, champ.

                  So endorsing a fascists doesn’t make you fascist? And I only called Trump and Rogan a fascist. Is that “everyone?”

                  • @[email protected]
                    03 months ago

                    Why do you keep calling me “champ”? Do you think that makes you sound cool or something lmao. Stop acting like a pencil dick and instead of calling everyone a fascist, why don’t you say why they are a fascist with some good points to back it up. Internet has enough trolls already and you’re not very good at it.