I just finished watching the finale of season four of DS9. I’m really enjoying the show as I’ve wanted to watch it for years.

A bit of a spoiler for those who haven’t seen the show but I thought those of you who already know and have seen it all might appreciate this.

The scene where Odo is brought back by the Changelings and is ‘reborn’ into someone new is a direct copy of the famous painting by Michaelangelo’s ‘The Creation of Adam’. It’s been noted before by other viewers, I had to check for myself if other people noticed and it has been. I was just surprised myself when I saw the connection after I watched the show.

Of course, they had to have him lifting his other leg so as not show in anatomical detail his Odometer.

  • @wjrii
    44 months ago

    A whole meter?!?!?!?!