I have been trying out various therapy services lately (they all suck and do nothing, but that’s another topic). One of the things that the therapists always ask/say is if I do “self care” or tell me to do more “self care”. They talk about all kinds of different things that range from eating right to eating something as a treat to exercising to going for a walk to finding a hobby to etc.

So it seems like “self care” is literally anything that benefits your existence. And I’m quite frankly confused. I live alone and have zero responsibilities outside of work. Isn’t every moment of every day when I’m not working considered self care? When I go home at the end of the day, I have dinner and dick around on the internet. I don’t have kids or pets so there’s nothing else to worry about. I don’t have any extra responsibilities. My continued existence is “self care”. I don’t get it.

What I would understand in all of this is if I had maybe like kids or a sick family member I had to take care of. Is that who “self care” is for? People that have extra responsibilities? Because for those of us loners, basically our entire existence is self care. So I’m confused at what any of that is supposed to accomplish. I already do everything for myself.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Perhaps it would be helpful to note what a lack of self care looks like?

    My daily routine usually involves waking up, skipping breakfast, going to school (if I wake up early I kill time by doomscrolling on my phone), coming home, laying in bed (more doomscrolling), eating something, doing school work, and then going to sleep. Most of my free time is wasted on my phone and I’m usually stressed about at least one thing.

    So what’s missing? Well I could spend some more time socializing, gaming, treating myself to meals I enjoy, etc. Personally, I have anhedonia so finding things I genuinely enjoy is difficult, which makes self care difficult. But self care isn’t just about meeting your basic needs, it’s about feeling good after you do it. It’s a little break from everything that’s stressing you out.

    As someone that’s done a lot of therapy - self care is usually recommended because you’re not happy with how your life is. Think about what prompted that conversation. Did you describe an unhappy lifestyle? Something (or several) that has been stressing you out recently? Now think about what could help you feel a bit better, or at least give you a (healthy) break. It could be a bubble bath, visiting a cat cafe, going for a swim, etc. There are countless ideas online but it’s important to find something that changes how you FEEL. As other people have mentioned, self care is an important part of your daily routine.