Especially with the rise of “ghost postings” so quantity over quality is greater than ever these days

  • @Pacattack57
    463 months ago

    Stop putting cover letters on your resume. Recruiters spend 7 seconds or less on 1 resume. A cover page essentially is a skip button because we don’t see any pertinent information and move on.

    Resumes should be 1 page with a layout that attracts attention but isn’t distracting. Sentences should be structured like bullet points, short, sweet, and to the point.

    • @Retrograde
      3 months ago

      I mean you say that, but I got my last amazing job because I mentioned pertinent info in my cover letter that resonated with the recruiter. I wouldn’t have got it if I just sent my resume.

      I know it’s just anecdotal but hey

      • nfh
        143 months ago

        There are definitely different workflows for different recruiters, especially across industries.

        Most of the places I applied to in my most recent job hunt had separate places to upload a cover letter and resume. If they didn’t ask for a cover letter, I didn’t write one, but I do see an argument to append one to your resume anyway.

      • @AnimePhantasm
        113 months ago

        Seriously, the job I have now requried a masters degree. My cover letter and my 10+ years of specfic experience got them to talk to me even though I only have an associates degree.

        Now I am the go-to for search commitees in my department, and the only thing worse then no cover letter is when folks use a form one and forget to change ot or fill in the blanks.

        • @Donkter
          43 months ago

          I think they’re saying a cover letter is good. But some people’s “resumes” are more than one page with the first page being a cover letter. Almost all job apps have a separate upload for cover letters. If you’re applying in person or over email the rules are completely different.

    • @hydrospanner
      83 months ago

      I feel like this is very situation dependent.

      That may be the case in your company or industry, but not everywhere.

      In my experience there’s been a big difference between a general resume I’m uploading to a place like a LinkedIn or Indeed (and letting the recruiters come to me), using that uploaded resume to apply to job postings on that site, and sending resume/application to specific companies on their site.

      For the first one, hell no, no cover letter. How would that even work? No cover letter is better than a generic one.

      For applying for specific postings on these sites? For me it depends on just how good the opportunity is. If I feel like there’s some sort of special connection that makes me tailor made for the role, the money is great, it’s doing really interesting work, or a company I really want to work for? Absolutely I’ll include a cover letter. I’m just looking to get out of a shit job, or the role doesn’t really move the needle, but I think it might be a good fit? Nah, just hit that quick apply button and move on.

      But if I’m reaching out to a company directly?

      Cover letter every time (unless they specifically say not to). If they don’t want it, they won’t read it, but I’ve never felt like it hurt my chances, and in a few interviews, they’ve specifically mentioned something about it.

      • @Pacattack57
        13 months ago

        I wouldn’t say situation dependent but this is more for entry level positions. If you are in a specialized career recruiters take way more time on applications.

        This is more generalized resume advice. With that said specialized positions are few and far between for many people and a specially tailored resume is more likely to lose you job opportunities for most positions.

        Again you’re right it does really depend but you have to use your best judgment on what kind of job you’re applying for.

      • @Pacattack57
        13 months ago

        I wouldn’t say situation dependent but this is more for entry level positions. If you are in a specialized career recruiters take way more time on applications.

        This is more generalized resume advice. With that said specialized positions are few and far between for many people and a specially tailored resume is more likely to lose you job opportunities for most positions.

        Again you’re right it does really depend but you have to use your best judgment on what kind of job you’re applying for.

    • @Passerby6497
      3 months ago

      I felt the same way until a friend of mine helped me redo my cover letter before COVID. Gotten 2 jobs since then and have tripped my salary in a handful of years. The latest gig (that was a salary doubling jump) was through a recruiter who said the cover letter helped me get the interview.

      • @crushyerbones
        23 months ago

        Could you give an example on what your cover letter looks like or maybe some tips?

        • @Passerby6497
          3 months ago

          Sure, this is close to what I use (I’ve tried to change it up a bit so I don’t give up too much info), and I’ve included prompts for what to fill in. I’ll admit it is very generic at this level, but you should be able to take these bones and make your own monster out of it 😁

          Just remember to sell yourself to them, even if it feels icky and gross, that’s what job applications are. If you do exaggerate in your cover letter/resume, keep it reasonable and be prepared to support it if/when you get interviewed!

          Phone #

          To whom it may concern,

          I discovered your <job title> position <on website, from person etc>, and I would like to know more about this position. I am a <description of yourself as a professional, include something about wanting a challenge>. I think that I would be a good fit for this position because <list qualities related to the field applying for, don’t be afraid to exaggerate (within reason) - sell yourself!>.

          I have <number> years of experience in <your field> and <any professional certifications or relevant education or experience>. I am <list characteristics RELEVANT TO POSITION! Reference interpersonal skills! Sell yourself to the company!>.

          <Comments about your excitement for the position>. <Thank them for considering you for the position>, <statement about wanting to learn more/meeting them to discuss>. I can be reached at the listed phone number or via email at <your professional email>.


          <Your name>

          • @Passerby6497
            3 months ago

            Because I’m bored and feeling silly while kiillng time:

            Jason Vorhees
            1313 Crystal Lake Rd

            To whom it may concern,

            I discovered your Summer Camp Slasher position on StabbedIn, and I would like to know more about this position. I am a relentless killer who is up for a new challenge in murdering teens at camp. I think that I would be a good fit for this position because I have the ability to teleport, survive being shot/stabbed/set on fire, and am a dedicated problem solver.

            I have 40 years of experience in menacing camp counsellors and have multiple endorsements from various local police departments. I am a dedicated killer who will keep coming back until the job is done or I am relieved of the position.

            I believe this position will be a good fit for me, and I believe I will bring a lot of dread to the camp. Thank you for your consideration for this position, I look forward to meeting to discuss this opportunity and demonstrate my skills. I can be reached at the listed phone number or via email at [email protected].


            Jason Vorhees

    • Anti-Face Weapon
      73 months ago

      This is 100% true. But you should also include a cover letter, just as a second document. I mean obviously not if you’re applying for McDonald’s but you get the idea

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        Yo Burger Boss,

        I really need a job like ASAP because my mom says I gotta move out of her basement and stop playing video games all day LOL. I’ve eaten at McDonald’s like a million times (mostly at 3 AM) so I basically already know everything about working there - I mean, how hard can flipping burgers be??? My friend Dave said you guys get free food which is literally the main reason I’m applying, plus I saw on TikTok that sometimes employees mess up orders on purpose and get to keep the food (so cool). I’m pretty bad at waking up early and I definitely can’t work weekends because that’s when my Fortnite team practices, but I promise I’ll try to show up most of the time when I’m scheduled.

        Peace out,

        P.S. Can you make sure to put me on drive-thru so I can practice my funny voices?

    • @BoxOfFeet
      33 months ago

      Mine is 2 pages, and I think everyone I’ve hired has been 2 pages. Maybe it’s kinda dependent on the field you’re in? Idk, i can’t imagine cramming all my proficiencies, jobs, and responsibilities on one page.

      • Possibly linux
        23 months ago

        It depends on what position you are hiring for. If someone doesn’t have two pages worth of experience then it better not be 2 pages.

        Also the first page needs to have the most relevant so that you aren’t scrolling. Honestly most people are fine with one page. Unless you have tons of qualifications and experience it should fit on one page.

    • @Scolding7300
      23 months ago

      Can we do bullet bullet points for extra creativity?

    • @[email protected]
      03 months ago

      It’s always dependent upon the person looking. The question isn’t “will a cover letter get me the job” it’s “do I care to work for a place where the cover letter is what gets me the job”. For me, no.