They hate each other so much.

  • @MachinistOP
    54 months ago

    Fighting got a lot better when we moved to a bigger place. Now you actually see them side by side like this occasionally. Obviously, “get a bigger house” is not really an answer, but making sure they each have their own space might help.

    Just like there is no hate like Christian love, there is no hate like cat hate. IDK, many cats seem to prefer a certain amount of hate and conflict.

    • @Today
      14 months ago

      We’re in about 2400 sqft now with 3 cats and 3 dogs- half of those we took in 2 years ago when my mom moved in. Everyone wants to be in our bedroom so my mom’s cat marks the bed when we’re not there. If we lock them all out of the bedroom, she poops outside the door in protest.

      • @MachinistOP
        24 months ago

        That’s miserable.

        You might try one of those motion activated air duster things. Or a catapult for the worst one.

        • @Today
          24 months ago

          Catapult! 🤣🤣