• @TropicalDingdong
    4 months ago

    And look at the downvote to upvote ratio’s on these comments. Kind-of a gross community here too.

    The article is effectively arguing that the left didn’t cheer-lead hard enough, and its voters fault for wanting more from a candidate. And a significant portion of Lemmy drank the kool-aid and believed the exact same thing. Quite literally from the head down, moderation on this platform editorialized the front page with decisions unsupported by the posted rules of subs to skew the presentation of information in specific directions. Subs like c/PolticalMemes and c/News were crafted into echo chambers to support moderation biases. And its not a unique thing happening on Lemmy. The same things happened Reddit and other social media platforms, and mainstream media platforms. Its effect was to severely hurt the campaign because shielded them from the legitimate criticisms that they needed to be hearing. And when their staffers go in and check on social media and only see cheer-leading, this colors their impression of how things are going.

    The fact is you can’t abuse people into adopting your position. If you want to actually convince people of something you need to meet them where they are and address their concerns on their ground, within the context of their frame of reference. There are some deeply toxic members of this community and media writ large who skated by the previous 9 months using the ban hammer/ exclusionary practices to sculpt some very popular communities and platforms into echo chambers of their own design. And it has blown up in theirs, and all of our faces.

    • @Eldritch
      04 months ago

      And look at the downvote to upvote ratio’s on these comments. Kind-of a gross community here too.

      Please by all means. Leave. You won’t be missed one bit. You do realize with one exception. You’re the only one here with a heavy downvote ratio. Perhaps there’s a reason behind that? Perhaps it’s something you yourself did. Perhaps you were the one being “gross” and immature. Like you always do. Perhaps it’s because you can’t help but resort to name calling. That you never have anything constructive or helpful to offer, ever.

      Seriously, why are you here? Why aren’t you over with the brain-trust on hexbear. They have a larger politics community there even. You could be among your peers. Childish accelerationist with no actual insight or solutions. Throwing your shoulders out patting each other on the back. For sewing misinformation and division to help get a fascist elected. You call people blue maga as a slur. But coming from someone like you. It’s a badge of honor. Better to try to show solidarity to stand against an actual fascist. Than be a childish closed minded ideolog.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        4 months ago

        Please by all means. Leave.

        Why would I leave my house? You the rest of the rotating sequences of alts and sock-puppets are the tourists. And more importantly, you were wrong.

        Blue MAGA was wrong. When Whoopi Goldberg said she’d vote for a pants-shitter, that hurt the Democrats, and she was wrong. When Blue MAGA, here, relentlessly abused independents and people on the fence who were struggling voting for a candidate that supported genocide, that hurt the Democrats and lost them votes. If your goal in how you approached this issue was to get the Democrat elected, you were told, in advance, that the approach you were using not only wasn’t working, but was actually counter-productive: and you belligerently continued knowing that you were doing harm.

        So it begs the question: Did you ever actually care about the election, or were you just here for the abuse?

        • @Eldritch
          04 months ago

          Your house hmm? Then why were you crying. Turn down your projection son.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            4 months ago

            Crying? The projection is yours child. I’m just putting the toxic cult which just got Trump elected on blast. I’m putting down a record so it can’t be said that these delusional, abusive, narcissistic cultists were in a vacuum. They knew what they were doing and were told at the time of the consequences it would have.

            They need to be identified, named, shamed, and ignored. They were wildly off-base with regards to was going to win Democrats the election, them cover led to maybe the most significant Democratic defeat of all time.

            • @Eldritch
              04 months ago

              You’re so precious. Toxic but precious.

              • @TropicalDingdong
                -24 months ago

                Again, every exposition from you is an incrimination. Its literally ALL projection.