Sorry if this is a dumb question, but does anyone else feel like technology - specifically consumer tech - kinda peaked over a decade ago? I’m 37, and I remember being awed between like 2011 and 2014 with phones, voice assistants, smart home devices, and what websites were capable of. Now it seems like much of this stuff either hasn’t improved all that much, or is straight up worse than it used to be. Am I crazy? Have I just been out of the market for this stuff for too long?

  • M137
    3 months ago

    Highly disagree, everything is better now, and the things that have not changed a lot are instead refined. Stuff doesn’t need to change just for the sake of change. A good example of this is smartphones, we’ve found a good basic model that the vast majority of people are comfortable with, all that needs to be done is to update the various parts as the years go by. Obviously smartphones aren’t as exciting as they were, but that’s not a bad thing at all. So much stuff was so bad in the early days, people are great at not remembering that. Try going back to like an iPhone 4 and you’ll quickly realise how bad it is compared to what we have now. Bad screen, shitty camera, worse UI and UX etc. And the stuff that was top of the line and most expensive then is now mostly worse than even budget models of what we have now.

    I really doubt you put even a second of thought into this post, you just felt nostalgic and remembered only the good parts. If you did sit and think about it for a while, I got bad news about your basic comprehension, critical thinking and memory.