I baked “Chocolate Lava Cakes For Two”, the NYT Cooking recipe. It’s one I make semi-regularly, pretty quick on a weeknight and delicious. I have small ramekins so the recipe makes three and they cook a little faster than the recipe’s would.

I have two temperature probes (thermocouples on a Tasmota ESP8266 => HomeAssistant => Grafana). Mostly for my entertainment, but here you can see the internal temperature got to 151F, and I was surprised to see how much the oven’s temperature rebounded after I took the cakes out, despite being off.

  • @pageflightOP
    13 months ago

    Glad to share more! I don’t bake a big variety of things, but anything you’re particularly wondering about?

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      Have you done any recipes where you vary the final internal temperature to compare results? Mostly what I would want to do is probably for things like cookies (in pursuit of the perfect balance of chewy/crunchy chocolate chip), but I imagine it would be interesting to try on pastries and bread!

      • @pageflightOP
        23 months ago

        I haven’t, but if I get inspired I’ll share the results!