So, browsing today, I’ve noticed a green box show up a couple times in the lower left corner that says “Report Created”. Any idea what that’s about?

  • Slashzero
    2 years ago

    Yes, of course it makes sense to do it that way. The issue is you can literally click the up arrow repeatedly as fast as you can and create some database load.

    Usually, at least from my experience, it is good practice to put some logic client-side to prevent a user from repeatedly clicking a button accidentally (or on purpose – hey, why did I get a double post?!). Even a quarter second delay can help.

    • Kushan
      22 years ago

      Yeah, that kind of abuse prevention really shouldn’t be client side at all. It’s one thing to prevent a user accidentally causing harm, but if a bad actor can deliberately do it then we’ve got bigger problems.