Well, I was referring to the act of making the meme but, as a general rule, I don’t judge people’s hobbies unless they hurt someone. Anyway, you’re clearly a lot of fun to be around so I’m going to go ahead and let you get back to yelling at clouds.
Our definition of consent and adult is arbitrary though.
Its 18 now for most places but for most of history you were considered an adult the moment you hit puberty.
Scientifically we know that your brain is still developing “adolescence” till their mid twenties. We have disconnected this term from the legal definition of adults but:
“He is dating pre-adolescent women” is a scientifically correct statement and definitely an uncomfortable patterns to keep repeating.
We also know it’s personal. Its entirely possible for a 16 year old to have a matured sense of sexual consent while someone else at 20 does not. So which one is then ethically more ok to fuck?
Seems like you understood what i meant perfectly tbh.
oh fuck i mixed up “post” and “pre”. “He is dating pre-adolescent women” and to me that is predatory as it is exploitative. Hopefully that cleared things up.
Leo dumps girls as soon as they turn 26. It’s a thing. It’s weird. So, we make fun of it.
Would it be weirder if he only dated women after they were 62? 🤔
Considering his age it would now be much more acceptable
He’s 50. Definitely.
Leo is Leo. He can do what others wish they could do.
It is a lot weirder to obsess over the dating habits of consensual adults.
I don’t think going “huh, that’s kinda strange” would count as obsessing
Considering the whole thing is a meme, I’d say a number of people are weirdly focused on it.
For example: someone took the time to draw, color, and write a comic about leo’s dating habits. That’s pretty strange imo.
My friend you should watch the Little Mermaid
Sounds to me like you need to find some hobbies.
If your hobby is tracking a star’s consensual dating habits, I’d argue you need different hobbies.
Well, I was referring to the act of making the meme but, as a general rule, I don’t judge people’s hobbies unless they hurt someone. Anyway, you’re clearly a lot of fun to be around so I’m going to go ahead and let you get back to yelling at clouds.
Of we didn’t make memes of common public knowledge we wouldn’t have memes
We’re scrolling through posts on a link aggregate platform. Get a fucking grip.
Youre angry someone has an opinion you dont like. Get a fucking grip.
That’s just par for the course when you are a big name super famous celebrity imo
They did it for the meme
Our definition of consent and adult is arbitrary though.
Its 18 now for most places but for most of history you were considered an adult the moment you hit puberty.
Scientifically we know that your brain is still developing “adolescence” till their mid twenties. We have disconnected this term from the legal definition of adults but:
“He is dating pre-adolescent women” is a scientifically correct statement and definitely an uncomfortable patterns to keep repeating.
We also know it’s personal. Its entirely possible for a 16 year old to have a matured sense of sexual consent while someone else at 20 does not. So which one is then ethically more ok to fuck?
EDIT: one very bad mixup of words.
Not sure what way you’re heading with this, but how about neither if they’re both significantly younger?
Just because one is legal doesn’t mean it’s ethical either.
Seems like you understood what i meant perfectly tbh.
oh fuck i mixed up “post” and “pre”. “He is dating pre-adolescent women” and to me that is predatory as it is exploitative. Hopefully that cleared things up.
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