Crosspost worldnews: The shadow banking sector is trying its hand at trading in debt-based products such as collateralised loan obligations

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    I see, interesting. Would a European capital market mean more venture capital for local startups , or am I looking at things too simplistically? What’s the benefit of the stocks and shares being this side of the Atlantic? (Besides them being within our own jurisdiction)

    • Riddick3001OP
      2 months ago

      According to the plans, and as I understand it, ideally and eventually, absolutely yes. The system is there, but underdeveloped.

      The more I think about it, the more I see it’s potential.

      So, in the “new” Europe, we would like a Norwegian guy to be able to invest easily in a Portuguese startup who is investing in Romania.

      Development is key, hopefully we see rapid improvements by 2027 EU leaders to set deadlines on bloc’s competitiveness push