Look, nobody’s about to accuse Afghanistan of being a safe, happy, or prosperous place, but that’s mostly because outsiders keep FUCKING WITH IT. It gives me the same vibe as homeless camps being “cleaned out” by the jack booted thugs of state-sponsored violence (the ‘police’). If we just stop picking at it maybe it’d actually, y’know, HEAL??? because GODS KNOW our attempts to “treat” it have only made shit worse.
It’s also massively hypocritical to try to tell another country how to live when one’s own country is spiraling precipitously toward a catastrophic collapse, but, y’know how it is, capitalists don’t care about hypocrisy–they only care about PROFIT. Maybe if the rest of the world stays distracted long enough, Afghanistan will stabilize and organize itself. Without as much of an external adversary to align reactionary factions and fewer external resources propping those factions up, perhaps reformists might finally have some fucking breathing room. Uzbekistan has also been treated like a doormat by invaders for whole ass millennia but THEY’RE finally getting their shit together and I hypothesize it’s because nobody is bothering them right now.
inb4 some dipshit says “iF yOu LiKe iT sO mUcH wHy dOn’T yOu jUsT gO LiVe tHeRe” - listen FUCKWIT, I’m an OUTSIDER, any of us going there is LITERALLY THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT I AM ARGUING IN FAVOR OF
Imperialists Leave Afghanistan Alone Challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
Look, nobody’s about to accuse Afghanistan of being a safe, happy, or prosperous place, but that’s mostly because outsiders keep FUCKING WITH IT. It gives me the same vibe as homeless camps being “cleaned out” by the jack booted thugs of state-sponsored violence (the ‘police’). If we just stop picking at it maybe it’d actually, y’know, HEAL??? because GODS KNOW our attempts to “treat” it have only made shit worse.
It’s also massively hypocritical to try to tell another country how to live when one’s own country is spiraling precipitously toward a catastrophic collapse, but, y’know how it is, capitalists don’t care about hypocrisy–they only care about PROFIT. Maybe if the rest of the world stays distracted long enough, Afghanistan will stabilize and organize itself. Without as much of an external adversary to align reactionary factions and fewer external resources propping those factions up, perhaps reformists might finally have some fucking breathing room. Uzbekistan has also been treated like a doormat by invaders for whole ass millennia but THEY’RE finally getting their shit together and I hypothesize it’s because nobody is bothering them right now.
inb4 some dipshit says “iF yOu LiKe iT sO mUcH wHy dOn’T yOu jUsT gO LiVe tHeRe” - listen FUCKWIT, I’m an OUTSIDER, any of us going there is LITERALLY THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF WHAT I AM ARGUING IN FAVOR OF