On anything.

  • Like the wind...OP
    -24 months ago

    Everyone else does between 15 and 19, they have their own houses and cars they bought with their jobs, yet I’m almost 30 and I have nothing. Everyone else is getting married at 23. At 30 I’ll still be trying to move out just like I will be at 50, and 80, and after retiring I’ll still be trying to move out by gambling or grinding online stuff until I die in the house I’ll stuck in. Might as well cut my losses.

    • TedvdB
      4 months ago

      Everyone else does between 15 and 19

      No they don’t. It just looks like it. At 30 the things they found important at 18 aren’t important anymore. Priorities shift.

      Everyone else is getting married at 23

      I literally know no-one that was married at 23.

      At 30 I’ll still be trying to move out

      Just like a lot of people of this generation. They are fucked by housing prices.

      So you’re not alone in this. I think most people are in a similar situation. Try to find people that can support and help you. Just don’t give up, you never know what happens tomorrow.