How long would a mod have to be inactive in order to successful take control of a community with inactive mods? Just curious because there are 2 communities I would like to take control if the mods are inactive if possible.

  • @betterdeadthanreddit
    41 year ago

    You may have seen it (or similar posts) already but this post has some recent comments from a site admin on the subject. This comment includes an email address that will allow you to open a support ticket and this one advises the requesting user to post in the community, tagging them in the process.

    At the time of this post, those comments are just under a week old so it seems like a good starting point and a way to provide admins with all necessary information to move forward without too much additional back-and-forth in messages.

    • @gsa32OP
      31 year ago

      Actually I didn’t see that post, thanks! I’m waiting to wait out a little longer in case they do come back, but I’m not positive they will.

      In case you’re curious, the two communities are [email protected] and [email protected]. I think I’ll wait another week before requesting both.

      • Antik 👾M
        1 year ago

        I added you as mod on both and remove the ones that were inactive for 1 month