So I’ve been getting the occasional BSOD and it recently started getting a bit more frequent, so I decided to run a memtest86 over night to check if it’s maybe the RAM causing it.
I got 1 error, so then I tested each stick, 1 by 1 (every new stick I would test I also put in a different slot) but I only tested first 3 sticks, thinking that the last one is faulty, since they all passed the test, but yesterday I decided to test the last one as well and that one passed as well. So now I’m confused, not sure what to do…
I was running on 3 sticks for 2 days and I didn’t get BSOD, but that still means nothing because it was rare occurrence anyways.

Should I test all of the sticks again? Is there a better test I should be using instead?

(RAM is not OC’d btw)

  • @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    Are you running a ram test or waiting for failure?

    A boot disk with memtest86+ is great for putting RAM through its paces.

    • WistfulOP
      33 months ago

      Sorry, I’m not sure what you are asking… If I’m running a regular test or an endless test until I get an error?
      I was just running the default MemTest86 test from an USB stick.

      I’ll try the 86+, thank you.

      • @[email protected]
        43 months ago

        Sorry, I missed that in your original post. I think memtest86+ is slightly better, but I may not bother switching.

        If you are no longer getting failures, it is possible one of the sticks was loose or had corrosion. The swapping may have “fixed” it.

        I would test all sticks together once. If they pass, you are good.

        • TurboWafflz
          73 months ago

          The current Memtest86 is a closed source clone of the original Memtest86, whereas Memtest86+ is a GPL licensed fork of the original

        • WistfulOP
          43 months ago

          If you are no longer getting failures, it is possible one of the sticks was loose or had corrosion. The swapping may have “fixed” it.

          I also suspected that.

          I would test all sticks together once. If they pass, you are good.

          Yeah I think I will test them all at once again, maybe with 86+ this time…