is there for your disposal. Use it! Think about businesses you use regularly, products you buy, artists you watch or support. Chances are likely they have a profile on OpenSecrets and you can see who they support. I for one am planning to move my brokerage out of Schwab who donated overwhelming to Republican campaigns and maybe move my insurance to Progressive (not just because of the name, their employees donate significantly more to Democrats).

The weight of billionaires is behind Trump but at the end of the day money will drive his decisions. Taking money away from his donors takes money away from him.

  • @BrianTheeBiscuiteerOP
    281 month ago

    Some very interesting findings digging through contributors:

    • Mitch McConnell’s biggest PAC donor manufactures Jack Daniels (guess I gotta find a new brand)
    • Bernie Sanders took no PAC money in 2024 🥰
    • Alphabet (Google) is the largest organizational contributor to The Lincoln Project
    • Ben Hur Horse Race
      41 month ago

      jack daniels isnt even actuallly Bourbon… ive been enjoying eagle rare and buffalo trace. nothing wrong with bulleit (the rye will dissolve your mustache)