Trying to solve screen tearing with Nvidia drivers.
Trying to get LightDM to show me my god damned profile photo on login (still have not succeeded)
Debugging a problem where my DE fails to come up on login unless I manually hop to TTY7 myself
Endlessly forgetting which of the two or three different directories my .desktop files actually live in, and navigating the poorly-documented format for modifying them
Fixing apps in my taskbar showing generic Wayland icons
Trying to have any consistent success at all with Bluetooth
Trying to figure out which fucking audio stack my distro actually uses so I can know for sure whether the magic incantation on StackExchange will fail because it’s for the wrong stack or fail because it’s the correct stack and the stack is garbage
python2 and python3 symlink hell
Faffing around with WINE settings
I thrive in the pain. But yes, there is plenty of pain.
My shortlist, off the top of my head:
files actually live in, and navigating the poorly-documented format for modifying themI thrive in the pain. But yes, there is plenty of pain.
Now here’s someone who uses Linux. 😆
I think Python is a PITA on Windows too.