• @enbyecho
    53 months ago

    Considering farms are pretty much exclusively in rural areas and how rural areas generally lean politically, it’s a testament to the human immune system that food poisoning deaths aren’t more widespread

    It may be helpful to read up on food-borne illnesses and their vectors. I say this because what I interpret from your comment is that rural areas are “dirty” and that right-leaning areas are somehow “dirtier” by virtue of being lax in food safety.

    Strictly speaking this isn’t the way it works and it’s important to understand how contamination occurs. Almost all pathogens end up in food in two ways: field hands with inadequate sanitation and contamination through handling, processing, and packaging. The vast majority of these cases occur when food supply chains are long and complex and when safety is compromised in the name of profit. For example cutting corners in poultry handling or paying farm workers by the unit rather than by time, such that they are strongly incentivized to urinate or defecate in the field.

    Food production regulations are actually quite stringent further along the supply chain (See the Food Safety Modernization Act and Produce Safety Rule) but there are gaps (this is an ag joke) on the production side, particularly in enforcement.

    Your best bet is to seek to shorten the supply chain for the food you buy. Avoid processed foods and buy as close to the source as you can. Favoring organically-grown produce direct from a farmer just about guarantees that your food is safe. For example, organic regulations through the National Organic Program require a long period of time between use of manure and harvesting to ensure pathogens break down. It’s a common misconception that poop is used directly on growing crops.

    Some reading:

    USDA food borne illness guide: https://www.fsis.usda.gov/food-safety/foodborne-illness-and-disease FSMA Final Rule on Produce Safety: https://www.fda.gov/food/food-safety-modernization-act-fsma/fsma-final-rule-produce-safety

    • @Buddahriffic
      43 months ago

      It may be helpful to read up on food-borne illnesses and their vectors. I say this because what I interpret from your comment is that rural areas are “dirty” and that right-leaning areas are somehow “dirtier” by virtue of being lax in food safety.

      Yeah, I meant the association between right-leaning and “probably thinks safety regulations are a government overreach and waste of time that can be ignored if you can get away with it”. And non-existent rights for immigrant workers, including unhygienic living conditions imposed on them.

      And an assumption that choices between profit or safety will be more likely to err on the side of profit than safety if they believe they can get away with it, with the “fuck you, I got mine” mindset seeming to be stronger on the right.

      Thanks for the comment and info though. My own comment wasn’t really fair or useful.

      • @enbyecho
        33 months ago

        It’s a good point. And certainly a lot are resistant to any oversight or regulation. But I find right-leaning people are actually very quick to obey and are generally pretty compliant, for all the bluster. They are fearful people.

        But also there is a strong incentive to ensure food you grow is not going to kill your customers or get you sued. But this only really works when it’s you as an individual. As soon as you are a corporation…