Come to think of it, the Jedi are kinda dicks, they prevented anakin becoming a master despite his obvious talented skills in saber combat and his power in the force.
Not to mention, lore wise they let mundi have relations with his family where as it would’ve been a kick out for anakin.
Lastly, the jedi were sorta arrogant for thinking that nothing was wrong or that they were perfect despite having literal counterarguments from rebellious masters, Qui Gonn being a good example of somebody smelling the bullshit that the jedi were involved in.
So my fellow sith lords and jedi knights, what say you?
I’ve always considered, seperate to this larger discussion, that the Jedi are saying one thing and believing another uncritically. They want to bring balance to the force… By eliminating the sith.
Balance. A state of equilibrium. Notoriously not very well known for existing in a system where one of two elements has been removed.
“Only a sith deals in absolutes”. Complete unthinking hipocracy in the name of the light.
“You were supposed to bring balance to the force”
Here’s the prophecy:
Ultimate balance in the force really seems like it very well could mean “no more Sith and no more Jedi” to me.