• @werefreeatlast
    23 months ago

    Not into software developing but…I got a project manager and project lead that basically took over my project under my feet because they thought I was working too slowly. Now they got a junior engineer who thinks he’s inventing all the things I had to invent to solve a problem…like a painter who thinks he’s designed the perfect home. Well they’re finding out now where ideas come from and that its not in the paint can or the brush. I love watching them squirm when their shitty design can’t pass DFMEA so then …do they design something different? Nah! DFMEA’s can’t tell you that your design id dumb as fuck! Its you! You! The engineer has to realize how stupid their design in. Instead, they proceed to apply resources to the ton of action items. Surely the pig will fly if we crush all the bones and reshape him into a parachute! I’ll be right here when you guys are done fooling around and getting monthly praises and recognition. Praises and recognition by the way is the best way to get engineers out of your way…they get promoted to project lead or management! Suddenly they cant invent your inventions anymore!