    53 months ago

    The parking lane is too small for the truck, so the truck is in the bike lane.

    Should the truck drive up on the curb to avoid the bike lane or should the truck have enough room to exist fully away from the bike lane?

    Urban planning intensifies

      • GHiLA
        3 months ago

        How do we move stuff? Toss your washer and dryer on top of your Tesla? Contractors load up big trucks daily, filled to the brim with siding, garage doors, electric supplies, you name it. It is a standard. The only people not following it are the city. Those trucks are as wide as they’ve been for 30 years. Those bike lanes have only been there for two or three if the paint is anything to go by. What’s the hold up? I guess nobody at City Hall has a proper tape measure.

        Cool, double standards are ok if it’s someone else’s problem. You sure you’re so far removed from a conservative?