I love the idea of it, and I love how tiny it is. Will probably get one when money isn’t so tight.

But I was curious if the power button was accessible without lifting it. And it genuinely isn’t. Why does Apple like shoving important IO and buttons underneath the device. Good thing it’s light?

Oh and a funny thing was the staff had to loosen its mount on the table so you could turn it on.

  • @Surp
    3 months ago

    Macs are the most closed os. Id stay away. also who puts a charging port on the bottom of a mouse lol. I know this is an apple place…I’m here because I’m a school district’s apple guy.

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      You using JAMF at the school? I was formerly a school districts’s defacto Mac guy and ran JAMF for management, but it was ages ago so I’m curious how things have changed.

      • @Surp
        13 months ago

        Jamf or mosyle are fine still

    • @[email protected]
      23 months ago

      I disagree tbh, Windows is far more closed off then MacOS. At least MacOS supports tiling Window managers.