We humans have no natural predator you might say but that is not true: there is one.

It kills millions of humans every year; about one every 30 seconds.

It’s a major contributor to a global conspiracy to destroy as much of the environment that humans require to survive as possible; to kill even more humans at an accelerating pace and make the survivors miserable.

Even without its co-conspirators it’s capable of turning entire bustling cities into places unfit for humans.
Humans now plan their cities specifically with this predator in mind; building some defences but with ultimately little success at curbing its free roam.

Worst yet: It has successfully fooled humans into thinking they are dependent on it when in fact the opposite is the case.

It’s a predator that we have created ourselves:

The car.

#urbanity #urbanism #Verkehrswende #AutoDiktatur #Autokorrektur #climatechange #klimakrise #fuckcars @fuckcars

  • @[email protected]
    43 months ago

    Really, the cars just sit there and do nothing until they’re driven by a person. So it’s not so much the cars that kill people, but people that kill people. If you want people to stop being killed, you need to kill all the people. Maybe we need a new community called Fuck People… Wait… No… That’ll just make more people…

    • @FireRetardant
      43 months ago

      Just wait until self driving cars get more common, then it is sensors, programming or a wireless human driver killing people.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        That’s IT!
        When all the cars become self driving, They’ll kill all the people!

        Unless… You’re in the car?