• @shalafi
    -163 months ago

    Not bragging, simply stating a fact. Didn’t plan it that way. Anyway, y’all end your DNA. The better adapted will, as always, continue. Whether that’s me, you or the other guy, don’t care. I don’t make the rules.

    I honestly feel sorry for what those kids will endure

    Coward. How about the people having kids in:

    • -900,000: Whatever happened to kill off almost all humans
    • -1177: Bronze Age collapse
    • 535: Volcanic winter of 536
    • 1347-1351: Black Death
    • 1914-1918: WWI and Spanish Flu
    • 1929-1939: Great Depression and Dust Bowl
    • 1962: Great Leap Forward
    • 1943-1945: Worst killings and bombings of WWII
    • 2020: For our lifetimes. COVID and 100 other disasters. So bad most have forgotten it started with Australia burning to the ground, 1 billion animals killed.

    Without whose toughness, you would likely not exist to make wimpy online comments.

    “buT TrumMP!!!”

    Grow a fucking pair. Or don’t. Don’t care.

    • @TrickDacy
      133 months ago

      Since the industrial age, being strong or smart has nothing to do with surviving. Your toxic masculinity is extremely validating. Especially after seeing you in two different threads defending adults having sex with underage girls.

      • @shalafi
        -123 months ago

        We talking about me saying 17-yo’s aren’t sexual children?

        40 of 50 US states disagree.

        As of April 2021, of the total fifty U.S. states, approximately thirty have an age of consent of 16 (with this being the most common age of consent in the country), a handful set the age of consent at 17, and in about eleven states the age is 18.

        But let’s see what our European friends have to say!

        The majority of countries set their ages in the range of 14 to 16; only four countries, Cyprus (17), Ireland (17), Turkey (18), and the Vatican City (18), set an age of consent higher than 16.

        Oh god. I hope you did not read that last bit. I am so sorry.

        tl;dr: Just because you were an incel at 17 doesn’t mean the rest of the world was. Keep white knighting! Someone, someday, will throw you a pity fuck.

        • @TrickDacy
          163 months ago

          Lol what a mental toddler. This is who is having children. Kinda makes sense when you look at the sprint toward Idiocracy we’ve been on.