Plan B will screw up a womans cycle and not all women are ok with using it. Pulling out obviously is not foolproof because any unprotected sex can run the risk of pregnancy. This is basic sex ed stuff. Obviously it’s worked for you and your partner so far but that’s a single case. One or both of you might have fertility issues or just be very lucky.
Anyone else reading this should NOT use the above comment as advice at all and read a sex ed book. Even condoms aren’t foolproof, but they’re safer than what you’re doing.
Plan B will screw up a womans cycle and not all women are ok with using it. Pulling out obviously is not foolproof because any unprotected sex can run the risk of pregnancy. This is basic sex ed stuff. Obviously it’s worked for you and your partner so far but that’s a single case. One or both of you might have fertility issues or just be very lucky.
Anyone else reading this should NOT use the above comment as advice at all and read a sex ed book. Even condoms aren’t foolproof, but they’re safer than what you’re doing.
Not to mention, pulling out sucks too. I’d rather finish with a condom on than always pull out.
We’ve only had to buy it once. We’ve been together a decade.