• @Lost_My_Mind
    133 months ago

    I’d love if they made this a tv show, and shot it with “Kramer” still being a character. However, Micheal Richards is not part of the show.

    They get a voice actor who can do a voice impression of Kramer, but there’s no actual human body. The 3 actors interact with air.

    They rig the door to open as if he were opening it, and they all act like he’s there.

    They could even do a scene where Kramer explains his physical absence.

    K: “Oh, Jerry, it’s the newest thing! Yeah it’s called AI. You just replace your whole existence with an artifical intelligence! Isn’t that wild???”

    J: “Yeah, for you that would be an upgrade having any intelligence at all!”

    E: “Kramer, I don’t think that’s what AI is. I don’t know WHAT this is, but it’s not AI.”

    G: “Yeah. Where’s your body?”

    K: “Oh, I’m out there, baby!”

    J: “You certainly are out there, that’s for sure!”

    K: “Jerry, you gotta get in on this! It’s the wave of the future! I’m telling ya! By 2032 nobody is going to have a physical body!”

    J: “Remember when you said I should invest in Enron?”

    K: “Hey, that wasn’t my fault. They were making CRAZY money!”

    J: “Yeah, it WAS crazy! Crazy illegal! And remember when you said Vine was the next big thing?”

    K: “And it was!..for about 12 seconds.”

    J: “How did you even DO this anyway???”

    E: “Yeah, I’m confused what’s even happening here. We can’t see you, we can’t smell you, we can hear you somehow, but we can’t touch you.”

    K: “Oh you can touch me alright!”

    Elaine gives disgusted face

    G: “Well hold on, maybe theres some merrit to this. Let me ask you this, Kramer. Could I use this to NOT be at my job, but my bosses think I am?”

    J: “Oh, here we go…”

    K: “Well I don’t see why not. They can’t see you. You pop your head in at the start of the day, they hear your voice, and pop in at the end of the end of the day, who’s to say what you were doing the rest of the day?”

    J: “That’s so stupid!”

    G: “No it’s GENIUS!!! I can get 8 different full time jobs, with 8 different pay checks, not do ANY of the work, and do about 30 minutes of effort a day! I’M BACK BABY!!!”

    J: “There no way THIS plan could go wrong…”

    door opens, nobody enters, Newmans voice

    “Hello Jerry!”

    J: “Oh, now Newman is doing it too???”

    Newman walks in carrying an oversized postal package

    N: “Doing what? I just brought this package you ordered. Sign here.”

    J: “I thought you were invisable…Hello…Newman.”

    N: “I was wondering where that was. Invisable? Why would I be invisable?”

    K: “Because why WOULDN’T you want to be invisable???”

    Newman screams and falls backwards over the couch

    N: “Kramer??? You’re invisable???”

    E: “Ugh, don’t ask. It’s a whole thing…”

    N: “But how?”

    K: “It’s called AI…”

    E: “No it’s not…”

    K: “Alright smartypants! Why don’t YOU tell us what it is then?”

    E: “I don’t know. It all feels like a jump the shark moment, like Pickle Rick.”

    J: “Pickle Rick? Oh, you mean that guy who had a deli on 8th street until he went crazy trying to forcefully sell people his own brand of pickles.”

    E: “Yeah, that’s Pickle Rick. What else would I call him?”

    • @toynbee
      3 months ago

      That sounds odd.

      edit: Also, while I’d love for lemmy to get huge, it’s cool that our community allows for recognition of people with whom I’ve interacted previously.