Jebus, stop trying to find a single group to blame, it’s the entire god damn American public that’s at fault.

White, Latino, Blacks, Asians, men, women, Catholics, Mormons, Muslims, atheists, Republicans, Democrats, progressives, everyone in America knew who Trump and Republicans are and screwed the pooch and the entirety of America.

  • @[email protected]
    13 months ago

    The blame lies with dnc leadership and the corporate shills. They don’t get to run the party anymore.

    Blaming Kamala, blaming the 1%, blaming the corporate oligarchs is the answer.

    Blaming working class voters is a the wrong answer.

    Working class voters have zero culpability in the real problems that’s working families face

    The blame lies with the elite ruling class, Kamala Harris, and dnc center right corporate neoliberal politicians who only listen to their donors.

    • @[email protected]
      33 months ago

      Let’s keep arguing about blame to distract us from the hellscape we all have to endure regardless of it. That’ll help.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        The party leadership is to blame. It’s pretty simple.


        They don’t get to try to blame different groups of voters and then go oh let’s not blame anyone once people realize the truth, that they’ve been grifting their base this whole time.

        They don’t get to be the leaders anymore.

    • @JigglySackles
      23 months ago

      The party doesn’t cast the votes. People do. They are responsible for their decisions or lack thereof. Ignoring that is just as big an issue as ignoring the others responsible. But again, blame is only a starting point. Solutions and actions have to work to address the failings in each area. Sitting her trying to point at one group doesn’t help. It’s not so narrow as you are making it out to be.

      • @[email protected]
        -13 months ago

        Yes it is. This is a failure of Kamala and dnc leadership. If you can’t see that or think the voters share any blame then I assume you are either arguing in bad faith or don’t know what you are talking about.

        It is absolutely 100 percent as simple as I am making it out to be.

        • @JigglySackles
          3 months ago

          I’m not arguing in bad faith. What makes you think voters hold no responsibility for their votes? Help me understand your viewpoint.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            The candidate is responsible for how they run their campaign. Biden said he was a transition president who would not run a second term. He lied. The dnc chose not to have a debate or any primary.

            Kamala refused to change her position on any issues her base supports. She actually embraced republicans with the lowest polling numbers in recent memory as well as literal corporate CEOs.

            Meanwhile Trump was posing with beans and talking about inflation, most voters ranked economy as the number one issue.

            Kamala went up like 15 points at first when she took in Walz and was talking about the economy, but then pivoted to the right and away from the economy.

            This loss is hers.

            Trying to shame voters into voting for your side is a losing strategy. No one cares about Hillary’s opinion.

            The voters are not the problem, and…. Again… even if they are you will get no where trying to shame them into joining your side.

            The fact that the next day the dems and the dnc started blaming Mexicans and blacks for their loss without accepting any blame whatsoever for their shitty campaign is telling. Especially considering supermajorities of blacks and Latino voters voted for and continue to support the dems.

            The dems and dnc are lying to you. Stop blaming the voters and blame the dems and dnc leadership. Look at what Bernie wrote, he wrote two letters explaining exactly these issues.

            • @JigglySackles
              13 months ago

              Nothing in there negates that people need to have personal responsibility. I don’t like the democratic platform, I think Harris was mid at best. But I still voted for them with reluctant gusto because the alternatives were incalculably worse. I used my personal accountability and freedom of choice.

              The DNC and RNC and the people they are running all suck. Some more than others. And they are completely responsible for their portion of this equation. I don’t deny that in the least. But you are framing this like they are the only controlling decision makers in this equation. The DNC or RNC didn’t decide my vote. Harris didn’t decide my vote. Trump didn’t decide my vote. I did. And if you voted, you decided your vote. No one else. People are responsible for their choices.

              The rich and powerful do their best to manipulate the unwashed masses, and this time they won. AND they won because people were irresponsible with their decisions and let themselves think that a terrible candidate was better than a mid candidate.

              More than one thing is true here and that’s ok. The rich and powerful that manipulated the people are at fault. The dems and DNC that ran a weak ass platform are at fault. And the voters that didn’t do their due diligence and let themselves be conned are at fault.

              Let’s move on from the blame and shame game and move on to solutions. Like how can we get ranked choice voting? How can we ensure truthful broadcasting and news coverage? How can we educate voters? How can we remove the money from Washington? How can we change the DNC to run a better platform? How can we get out the authoritarians from both sides?

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                No, I will not move on. DNC and dems tried to blame black and Hispanic men before the results were even in.

                DNC and dems leadership receives and deserves all of the blame, you are 100% wrong, no offense

                • @JigglySackles
                  13 months ago

                  I’m not offended. I just don’t agree with you and think you’re ignoring a lot of things here in order to push a singular narrow viewpoint. You’re trying to absolve a whole swath of people from their responsibility and I think that’s wrong and naive and unfortunately counterproductive.

                  • @[email protected]
                    13 months ago

                    Ok, have fun shouting at people how wrong they are and how enlightened your point of view is, and then when these families’ suffering continues to increase you can remind them how enlightened you are and maybe throw in a few good “I told you so’s