Seems like they are over complicating it…

“Evan’s younger brother had experienced some serious mental health issues and he was awaiting news of a diagnosis.”

“his mother was a schizophrenic and a heroin addict who often paid for her drug habit with sex. They were homeless, moving constantly. Often she would head off for days at a time, leaving Evan with friends or relatives, or sometimes on his own, without food. When he was 11, she took her own life”

“Evan’s father began to suffer with mental health issues. By the time the pandemic arrived, he was in full crisis, using drugs and worried enough about Covid that he had locked himself inside his house. For a week, Evan stayed with him, and they shuttled back and forth to hospital as his father experienced mounting phobias and suicidal thoughts, but refused treatment. At the end of that week, his father took his own life.”

Dude literally had the deck stacked against him.

“The real problem came when Evan inherited his share of his father’s estate – $170,000. He used some of the money to rent an apartment. “But I had extreme schizophrenia and I just filled it with trash because I was so out of my mind,” he says. “I was seeing faces dripping down the walls, I couldn’t even be in there.””

And this, kids, is why the “Housing First” model won’t work. Mental Health and addiction treatment have to come first THEN housing.

  • @jordanlundOPM
    3 months ago

    It boggles my mind how you ignore repeated direct responses to your questions, almost like you aren’t actually interested in the answers…

    Here it is again, 3rd time on one source, 2nd time on the other. Do I need to use smaller words?

    You rejected the other sources on this, you reject a local source on this, I’m not sure how many sources you want before you’ll accept Housing First doesn’t work.

    If you want a journal, they’re out there too…

    In fact, if you had bothered to look at the footnotes on the very first source I gave you:

    3rd time citing this one:

    “Yet studies have now shown that simply providing people subsidized housing does not reduce drug use, and often encourages it, which makes sense because there is no mandated treatment in PSH and the free unit provides people with more money to pursue their habits.[10]”

    You would have seen the sources cited such as:

    2nd time citing this one:

    [10] “Rebecca A. Cherner, et. al., “Housing First for Adults with Problematic Substance Use,” Journal of Dual Diagnosis 13 (2017); Tsai, J., Kasprow, W.J., & Rosenheck, R.A. Alcohol and drug use disorders among homeless veterans: Prevalence and association with supported housing outcomes. Addictive Behaviors, 39 (2014): 455-460;”

    But you aren’t interested in the articles telling you what the papers say, you definitely won’t be reading the papers either.

    • @TempermentalAnomaly
      13 months ago

      I saw it. I read it. I commented on it.

      The study they use to support that quote does not actually support that quote. You should read the discussion section of the cited study. Did you ever wonder why they only cited one seven year old journal article? And then misrepresent it’s findings?

      Do you realize that the Cicero Institute isn’t a journal? I wrote elsewhere who they are. They are not a reliable source.

      Do I need to use smaller words?

      What is wrong with you? Do you not realize we are having a discussion elsewhere in this thread?

      1. The Cicero Institute isn’t a journal. They are a right wing think tank.
      2. They cite a single study in that article.
      3. The use that citation to support a sentence that is no where near what is stated in study.
      4. You fail to look at any systematic studies regarding Housing First.