I’m a bit confused why capitalists support Trump when he plans on doing stuff that I think would destroy the economy. Thinking of mass deportations and high, broad tarrifs.
I’m not sure if:
- They just don’t care because they have enough wealth to weather anything.
- They don’t think Trump will actually do these things.
- They’re dumb and think it won’t hurt the economy.
- They plan on trading wealth for more direct power. I.e. becoming oligarchs.
- They have other ideologies (racism, Ayn Rand-ism, accelerationism, Dark Enlightenment, etc) that they prioritize higher than obtaining as much wealth as possible.
Or maybe some combination of the above, or something else entirely.
Edit: by “capitalists,” I mean the “elite” like Musk and his other billionaire donors. But I guess it’s a good question for smaller donors as well.
Read Kahnneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow” ebook,
it’s the root-understanding of EVERYTHING happening in our world, now:
There are 2 mind-systems:
He calls them “system 1” & “system 2”, but that requires everybody to already-know what context he’s meaning,
which is delusional!
I call 'em Kahneman1 & Kahneman2.
Kahneman1-mind is imprint->reaction mind, aka ideology/prejudice/religion/programming mind.
It is identity-tied, & it is immune-to-falsification, it is default-mind.
Kahneman2-mind is considered reasoning mind, & it isn’t default.
Kahneman1-mind is simply fighting-off/destroying … Kahneman2-mind’s violation of total-Kahneman1-mind dominion.
ie ideology-with-no-thinking-left world, is what’s going to be ruling everything, in a few years.
( which makes this-species surviving ClimatePunctuation … unlikely,
so The Great Filter will probably have only silence on this world, next century )
It’s ideology.
Reasoning’s disallowed by Kahneman1-mind.
Any time that facts, evidence, considered-reasoning threatens to be needed, Kahneman1-mind substitutes more-convenient “answers” for the imposed questions, to prevent considered-reasoning from having any say … and right-there’s your answer.
Their identity is anti-civil-rights, anti-“below-their-class” lives,
THEREFORE they automatically feel-need to destroy what offends them: by existing, by presuming-validity, etc…
Earlier-today I encountered my 1st Trump-cult “of course she isn’t qualified: she’s a woman! Trump is qualified. Trump rightly won.” prejudice…
Anybody who can carve it in G-D’s eye that Kamala Harris is “unqualified”, after she utterly-trounced Trump in a debate, from what I’d been told, is living in imprint->reaction-mind, Kahneman1-mind, ideology/prejudice/religion/programming mind.
There is no point in trying to reason with it.
It’ll either succeed in exterminating all “others”, butchering-off all lives in its way,
XOR it’ll, itself ( ideology/prejudice/“religion” exterminating considered-reasoning ) be exterminated from ruling our world.
IF ideology/prejudice/“religion” wins, THEN there won’t be ANY humankind next century.
IF considered-reasoning wins, THEN there won’t be any ideology/prejudice/“religion” ruling this world, anywhere, next century, & I expect that maybe even a 100 million survivors might live…
I DON’T expect the tantrum/pogrom to be instant ( nuclear-incineration for all ), rather it’ll be a grinding war-of-attrition, as the idiotic unconscious-at-the-wheel Left continues relying on its assumed-win & its making-believing, losing country after country, & the narcissistic/machiavellian/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty ideologues keep using what they’ve gained to gain more, until finally, in … 2040 or so, total global pogrom/tantrum can get going, & keep grinding until there’s nothing left alive.
So, I expect that between now & 2031, political opportunism & regional wars will be dominant,
but it won’t be until the 2031-2039-ish period when the world will be carved into totalitarian empires, where ONLY ideology/prejudice/programming/“religion” exists, vs … the helpless remnants of NATO ( which Trump’ll gut before then, as he sides with Putin, his backer-for-decades )…
So, now until 2031, political carving up the world, some limited wars, ideological butchery, extinguishment of civil-rights…
2031 until 2039-40-ish, literally carving-up-the-world into empires ( 3 major ones, Trump-backed Russia, CCP, & Saudi ), with Modi’s Hindutva India being turned into hamburger by China, & becoming property, like all of Asia, of China’s Communist Party…
East Europe’ll be Russian Empire property ( which’ll be just a puppet of China, tbh ),
& Middle-East & Africa’ll be Saudi empire…
South America? China’s been investing in highjacking it, & the US has been investing in bullying & subjugating it, so I’m assuming it’ll go with China.
US’s Civil War Part2 should be in simmering-mode until 2031, then in WHITE-REPUBLICAN-EXTERMINATION-OF-“OTHERS” mode from then on ( which is why the 3 big-empires get to own most of the world simultaneously…
then once the US’s butchered, all it takes is 1 calendar-convenient natural-catastrophe to hit the US, & … suddenly … it obliges ALL the enemies of the West to launch EVERYTHING THEY’VE GOT, IMMEDIATELY, which should happen in 2039 or 2040 or something… ( not before 2039, I don’t believe, could be a few years later: it’d have to be BIG, like a Canary Island being “sat on” by a cyclone/hurricane, & then when the hurricane had saturated all the rock, lubricating the interlocking-pieces-of-lava that the whole island’s made-of, then the storm’s moving SHOVES the island, until it collapses, shoving cubic-km of Atlantic at the Eastern Seaboard of North America,
which would “chop off” the entire East Coast, “in a single hour”, to use the Christians’ bible’s term, from their Rev… )
IF that happens, & I consider it inevitable, as we’ve multiplied the chaos-in-this-planet’s-climate significantly, so it MUST happen sooner-or-later … THEN … the military-strategic obligation of all enemies overrides everything: they MUST strike, immediately.
That’s the beginning of the decades-long-grinding war-of-attrition that will reduce humankind by … 2 orders or magnitude? more? or extinguish our kind, completely…
All for sake of imprint->reaction mind, for sake of ideology/prejudice/“religion”/REACTION’s ruling…
Fighting-off considered-reasoning is what it wants, to return to the “grace” of Mere-beast-Not-responsible-No-moral-anxiety living, REACTION’S rule…
where the alpha-bull is the alpha-bull, where cows are mere-cows, & where NO-one ever threatens animal-reaction with ANY considered-reasoning…
That is the “heaven” that unconscious-ignorance is trying to (re-)enforce globally…
If you haven’t spent decades studying human unconscious, that may look ludicrous, in spite of the successful-highjacking-of the US, Romania, etc…
but the evidence that humankind’s just enacting, in glacial-slow-motion, its unconsciousness-ignorance-process, is kinda obvious, once one gets the hang of seeing it…
Here’s an example which cuts through appearances, showing what’s really going-on, but mainstream/establishment won’t accept the evidence, & they just deem me/all who point this up to be nonvalid…
Girls who were in girls-schools, who later end-up in mixed-schools, consistently have commented on how the always-in-mixed-schools girls were cowed, how they’d been pushed into learned-helplessness, how they wouldn’t even try to participate-as-equals in class: male-bullying had already extinguished that from their lives.
Young-women who ended up in girls-universities have consistently commented on their initial-disappointment, then within a week or 2, their ELATION at BEING ALLOWED TO LEARN, instead of just being crushed under male-sexual-pressure…
Women who, as girls, had their dads prohibit that there was any “women’s work” in the house, uprightly sharing in all housework, ARE having likelihood of self-employment, BUT women whose dads were unshakable that housework was “women’s work” … NEVER become entrepreneurs…
Women who ended up successful entrepreneurs while young … don’t measure potential-mate-value through social-position/status, instead judging potential-mate-value through fitness, same as the way we guys judge potential-mates…
so, it isn’t that women “inherently” use males to “status climb”,
rather: women who’ve been bullied from validity all their lives, THOSE women judge partner-value by their “status”, whereas women who’ve been honestly/acutally ALLOWED their own validity & accomplishment … don’t judge mates by status
When one puts all these together, then the cowed/insecure condition FORCED INTO WOMEN, GLOBALLY, by male-bullying, becomes … planet-scale abomination-against-LivingPotential that G-D put in them, & male-culture obliterated, for … literally many-millenia.
Now here’s the kicker:
Go look at some images of dominatrixes…
You’ll notice a spectacularly-improbable likelihood of there being jaquard wallpaper in their homes, with higher-class status-symbols repeating on it…
That isn’t conscious.
That is their unconscious projecting class-status-symbols throughout their homes, to comfort their unconscious, after having been bullied as class-nonvalid because of being female, all their lives.
Once you see it, it’s impossible to unsee.
All that class-climbing trappings, all the ornate class-declaration-“finery”: it’s all compensating for male-bullying throughout their entire lives…
So, unconscious-mind’s profoundly simple, & projects, cleanly & openly, because throwing-symbols-around is how it comforts itself…
It’s THAT simple in its “reasoning”.
So, if you do that experiment, & see with your own eyes, the unconscious-throwing-class-status-symbols-around to-comfort-its-unconscious-symbol-EMBODIED-Kahneman1-feelings,
& you understand that that imprint->reaction mechanism … which rejects thinking, which displaces thinking, is a real population-wide, species-wide force,
& you begin understanding what Kahneman was saying, in his book,
THEN it becomes clear that humankind actually is fighting-off considered-reasoning, killing it off, exterminating-it-from-world, so that imprint->reaction can be the ONLY mind ruling, & therefore animal-dominance, dominant-herd, bulling-wins-all, no-thinking, no-diversity, no-complexity, no-moral-anxiety CURRENTS that we’re now seeing take-over … are just the beginning of humankind’s species-equivalent-to-Puberty…
Inescapable, fatal if indulged-in as a means of irresponsible-butchery ( technology multiplies puberty with “cars” & “guns”, it multiplies our species-equivalent with “biowar” & “armies” & “cyberwar”, equivalently ), & permanent.
Humankind’s permanent choice, though…
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