“Coke’s latest move is a masterclass in greenwashing, ditching previously announced reuse targets, and choosing to flood the planet with more plastic they can’t even collect and recycle effectively. This only reinforces the company’s reputation as the world’s top plastic polluter,” said Von Hernandez, the global coordinator of the campaign group Break Free from Plastic. “If they can’t even keep their low-bar commitments, how can they claim to be serious about addressing the global plastic crisis?”

The Coca-Cola Company has been contacted for comment. It previously told the Guardian: “We care about the impact of every drink we sell and are committed to growing our business in the right way.”

  • @[email protected]
    33 months ago

    Never ever believe companies when they make promises like “we will have x by date y”. Especially if date y is further away than maybe the end of the year. Shell also made big promises and then quietly dropped them. Of course the making of the promise came with a big PR budget. The dropping of the plans was silent. Weird how that works…

    • @gAlienLifeform
      03 months ago

      Additionally, never ever believe lawmakers saying they’ve reached an agreement with a business to do x by y (and therefore they don’t need to pass any new regulations to actually force that business to do what they agreed to)