So I had a terrific first RP session today, and I read the warning about how it’s all stored locally and may be lost if I clear my cache. No worries, there’s an export option to export the entire scenario or just the character data or just the chats. I exported first the whole enchilada and then just the current chat thread and gunzipped the json data… and here my troubles begin.

All I want is a basic transcript:

AI blah blah blah

Me yadda yadda yadda

… etc. What I get is this 700KB file with a structure that’s way over my head (I’m strictly SQL, and I can manage maybe 2 or 3 levels of JSON).

I found where each comment and response is marked with a “message” node, e.g. “message”:“yadda yadda yadda” but there’s no indication which of us (AI or me) said it.

So I figured, I’ll just click-and-drag down the browser window to select all the chat history and paste it into a Libre Office doc or something.

No dice; it omits the character names like they don’t exist and just gives me the conversation text itself.

I can’t be the only person who wants to save a chat transcript, but I feel extremely stupid right now! What obvious command/UI element am I missing?

  • VioneTM
    13 months ago

    Might be a related post? You can export individual threads in Message form with the message text only (in [AI]/[USER]) format - use '/import' command to import.