• RaoulDook
    2 years ago

    I think they probably just forgot to look at Mississippi. It gets routinely ignored by media of all types. Most of the same stuff is going on there with the criteria that they dinged the other Southern states for.

    But if you looked at real estate prices and general cost of living as the most important factor for living well, these Southeast states would be kicking ass instead of being “the worst.”

      • RaoulDook
        2 years ago

        Florida is not a normal member of the region so I don’t consider it part of the Southeast. Florida is just Florida.

        It’s a nice place to visit for a vacation but I’d never live there either. Buying Florida real estate is a big risk anyway with climate change making all coastal habitats risky. I prefer my real estate to be a few hundred feet above sea level.

      • RaoulDook
        2 years ago

        No idea where you’re getting the idea I said it was fake news. It’s very politically slanted news, generated using specific stats to align with the narrative that they wanted to write a story about.

        Please, by all means stay out of the Southeast if you believe it’s so terrible. I’ll continue to stay here, and enjoy owning my own house and land, with enough room that my family and pets can roam free in our own place. It’s quite nice to be a homeowner, and I couldn’t have afforded it in most of the rest of the USA.

        I’ve been here voting against Republicans since the Bush Jr. term. Life has only gotten better over time, and since I’ve been living in such a low cost of living area I can afford to do everything I want to. Lots of wonderful people live here too, but if you generalize an entire geographic area as being all shitheads living in a terrible shithole, then you only weaken your own knowledge. Prejudice is mental weakness.