from the new-breed-of-surveillance-statists dept

  • OneMeaningManyNames
    33 months ago

    Of his own personal experiences Ionesco wrote:

    University professors, students, intellectuals were turning Nazi, becoming Iron Guards, one after the other. At the beginning, certainly they were not Nazis. About fifteen of us would get together to talk and to try to find arguments opposing theirs. It was not easy…. From time to time, one of our friends said: “I don’t agree with them, to be sure, but on certain points, nevertheless, I must admit, for example, the Jews …,” etc. And this was a symptom. Three weeks later, this person would become a Nazi. He was caught in the mechanism, he accepted everything, he became a rhinoceros. Towards the end, only three or four of us were still resisting.

    Replace Jews with trans and you have a discussion we only have too often with fellow “leftists”.

    • @takeda
      23 months ago

      Yeah, I believe he mentioned that play in this book. In Road to Unfreedom book he also mentions how LGBT basically took place of Jews. It tries to frame itself as it is for traditional Christian values, in reality it is just fascism that tries to use religion. Fascism needs an enemy, and this one is easy to attack.

      • OneMeaningManyNames
        33 months ago

        tries to frame itself as it is for traditional Christian values

        Nazi Germany had a complicated relation to religion. Although promoting relations with Protestant clergy in the pre-war period, there were conspiratorial tendencies in the Nazis either Nordic-washing Christianity or looking toward some kind of self-styled supremacist paganism, which was popular with the SS top leadership.

        In the end of the day I don’t think it even matters though. The American Christian-nationalists are the structural equivalence of the Islamic State in that they want to undo secular political entities and unravel modern institutions. It doesn’t matter if some of them belong to some sinister cult. They will do as much evil, and they are not different from mainstream 1930’s Nazism for that matter.

        this one is easy to attack

        Exactly. Trans representation was as bad as it already were, and then instead of some positive news coverage what you’ve got? Like 700% upward vilification and stigmatization, with the support of many center and center-left media, and huge institutional and billionaire support.

        Man I am telling you, there is another Holocaust in the making and people will not believe it happened when it is over.

        That book you suggested by this professor On Tyranny is indeed a compulsory reading at this point for every person caring for Western democracy.