i hope this is ironic

  • ComradeSharkfucker
    313 months ago

    Honestly, do we really think America won’t invade canada as soon as its farmland starts to fail from climate change?

    • slazer2au
      43 months ago

      Why go to the bother of invasion. Use trade to force them.

      • @Adm_Drummer
        103 months ago

        Canada has the ninth largest economy in the world. Yes, America is larger but not so large that they don’t rely on Canada for import/export. Starting a trade war with Canada would just see Canada move it’s resources to a more fruitful source.

        So sick and tired of people talking about Canada as though we’re subservient or reliant on America. We are allies and friends. We work together because it works. The moment it stops working doesn’t mean Canada will come crashing down and beg america for forgiveness.

        • slazer2au
          03 months ago

          You realise there is an order of magnitude difference between US and Canada right?

          2 trillion compared to 30 trillion.

          But you are right, they are very close countries and using trade to bully is not something that will happen and would put USMCA in trouble.

          • @Adm_Drummer
            33 months ago

            Ukraine is small compared to Russia and look at them.

            I realise the discrepancy but it doesn’t matter what size the bully is. You should always stand up for your rights. Sovereignty rights, Provincial, State, Human, Civil rights. There are always bullies out there.

            Trans folks make up less than 1% of the fight. There are several orders of magnitude between their cause and almost any other, yet they fight.

            Just because we’re smaller doesn’t mean we have to take their shit. America relies on Canada for large amounts of their lumber, construction goods, and energy. If Canada and Mexico decide to say goodbye then America is just as screwed.

    • @[email protected]
      -53 months ago

      They probably could just pull an annexation just by threat of invasion. It’s not like Canada could or would resist anyways.

      • @Adm_Drummer
        113 months ago

        Canada would resist. Saying anything else is defeatism and only serves to support this insane rhetoric.

        I will see blood in the streets before I cede a single inch of my fucking country to fascist pig fuckers from south of the border. They may be the largest military out there but there will be American blood on Canadian hands.

          • @Adm_Drummer
            23 months ago

            I’m not sure if this is sarcastic or not.

            We share some culture. But, Canada has to fight for our own culture to remain relevant in the face of American oversaturation.

            • @[email protected]
              23 months ago

              I’m Eastern Canadian. It wasn’t sarcastic, but it’s a semi common statement out here when relating to parts of Western Canada.