So I’m walking to an evening class at a local college, it’s dark. There’s a bend just before the junction and as I’m walking across a car comes round way too fast. I had to step back to avoid being hit. I was wearing gloves and as it went past I hit it, no idea why, just instinct and anger.

I carry on walking and I see the driver has pulled over a bit down the road, I was expecting a “sorry are you ok” but she instead shouted “did you just hit my car?”. That set me off, shouting at her that she almost fucking ran me over. Then she says “you don’t have to use that kind of language”, the fucking nerve.

Gave up and just walked off. Wish I’d have smashed the wing mirror or keyed the car or something.

Has anyone else almost been run over and how do you deal with the anger of it?

  • @FireRetardant
    143 months ago

    I saw a cop actually pull someone over for making a left turn while someone was crossing the street and they didn’t leave much room between the person, it is the law in my area that pedestrians are to be fully clear of the crossing before a car can go. It is so rarely enforced that I was irrationally happy to see them pulled over for it. Part of this may be because its a crossing I use weekly to get to a grocery store.

    I’m glad you are safe, if your city doesn’t have similar laws recomend them as well as other measures to your local politicians. Some of our intersections give pedestrians a head start before cars to put the pedestrians in the crosswalk before the light turns green to help increase visibility, your intersections might be able to have a similar feature with very little additional costs.