For a brief moment around 2023 the 4 day work week almost seemed like a real possibility but then something happened and the issue just died out.

I am creating this post as a way to collect information and research on the topic. Do you know of any research done on the subject? Do you have personal experience? Share them in the comments all engagement is welcome! Let’s bring that issue back to life!

  • @[email protected]
    11 month ago

    Nowhere I said authoritarianism by the majority. And I’m not American so I’m assuming you are talking about the USA government. But let me see if understand what you are saying. Your take is that both neoliberals and the far right are both loosing support but that support is not going anywhere because people are just disengaging from politics? If that’s the case I agree. But also I don’t see how to re-engage people.

    • @surph_ninja
      21 month ago

      Easy. Re-engage people by helping them. But it would require not putting corporations first. The parties would rather lose than do that.